Detailed a car to prepare it for sale

Mobi Cleaning Canada was hired to detail a Mazda 3 located in Richmond BC Canada. There was a water leak in the vehicle resulting in the client trying to use gel packs and wood chips to absorb the water. The result was the wood chips became wet and bonded to the surfaces of the interior of the vehicle. The gel packs were not affective. The interior has mold. Removing the bonded woodchips was very time consuming. The mold required special cleaning solutions to sanitize all surfaces. It is highly recommended if you own a vehicle with a water leak to fix it right away because water causes extreme damage. Mobi Cleaning Canada deep vacuumed the interior, steam cleaned the interior, cleaned all the plastic, glass and leather surfaces. The exterior had to be washed multiple times because the dirt was bonding to the clear coat due to the vehicle not being washed for about 6 to 12 months. Clear coat is soft which is susceptible to rocks, dust, metal and organic debris to embed into the clear coat. After spending about 8 hours detailing the vehicle, we drove the vehicle to Steveston BC Canada for photos to put onto the market for sale.

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Business License, Criminal Record Check, Trained Technicians, Professional Tools, Professional Solutions, Better Results and Quality, Transparent Pricing and no Hidden Fees, Health Benefits, Professional Operation of Tools, Mobi Cleaning Difference, Flexible Scheduling, On-Time, Maintenance, Great Competitive Value, Customer Satisfaction Focused, IICRC Trained, Green Cleaning, Reputation, Property Protection, Fast Drying Carpets, 100 Percent Satisfaction Guarantee, Experience, Professional Processes, First-Class Service, Fast Response Time, Free Consultation and Estimates, Competitive Pricing and Dedicated Account Manager

Mobi Cleaning Canada did a very great job cleaning and was very prompt. There was a lot of stains in the home and balcony and Mobi Cleaning Canada got them all out. Well done.

Personal Real Estate Advisor, Pacific Evergreen Realty Ltd.